lunes, 20 de abril de 2020


Resultado de imagen para welcome back

What are you good at?

El mito del Multitasking | Centro de Psicología Canvis

To remember:

We use the present continuous to describe a picture or talk about what is happening now or at the present moment.

am/ is / are + verb in ING ending.

Activity 1. Complete the sentences 1 to 8  with the following verbs:

look after      drink      read      send    cook     do     work on    pay

The woman in the picture is doing  8 things at the same time:

1.-  She's _____________ a baby.
2.-  She   _________________ exercise.
3.- She    ________________ a text message.
4.- She    ________________  a margarita.
5.- She    _______________ her laptop.
6.- She    _________________ an omelette.
7.- She    ___________ something with her credit card.
8.- She    _______________ a book.



Many employers say they like employees who are good at multi-tasking. But in his recent time management bestseller, The Myth of Multi-tasking: How 'Doing it All' Gets Nothing Done, Dave Crenshaw says that people can't do two things at once. It's impossible. A person only has brain. If you're doing one thing, you can't do two something else at the same time. Multi-tasking doesn't exist. What we're doing is 'switch-tasking'. We move very quickly between two or more tasks, and pay short attention to each of them in turn. Crenshaw says that if we do this for a long time - as many people do- it's very bad for us. It can make us stressed and unhappy and inefficient at our job.

Activity 2. Match the words in bold in the extract with the correct meaning.

1.  activities
2.- a story that isn't true
3.- not working well
4.- a book that lots of people buy
5.- people who work for someone

Activity 3. Read the extract again and chose the best answers.

1. Many employers

a) are good at multi-tasking
b) think multi-tasking is a good thing
c) agree with Dave Crenshaw's ideas.

2. Dave Crenshaw says

a) we can only do two things at once.
b) some people are better at multi-tasking than others.
c) multi-tasking isn't possible.

3. 'Switch-tasking' means

a) moving quickly from one activity to the next.
b) spending a long time on each activity.
c) doing several things at the same time.

4. In the long-term, switch-tasking

a) is very good for us.
b) can lead to stress.
c) can make us happy.

Expressions + ING FORM

Good at multi-tasking

Not good at sitting still

Bad at reading

Like/love taking potos

Don’t like drawing

Hate doing Sudoku

Enjoy solving problems

Not keen on singing

Hopless at making things.

Please have a look to this video

What Are Multiple Intelligences and How Do They Affect Learning?

Multiple Intelligences

Howard Gardner believes that a person who is good at maths is not more intelligent than someone who is good at sports. He believes they are intelligent in a different way.

Howard Gardner is a psychologist, and  a long time ago ( in 1983) he wrote a book about his theory. In his view  there is not just one kind of intelligence - there are multiple intelligences. It's possible to be good ( or not so good) at one or more of them. You can have trouble with words, for example, but be quite good at drawing, and at athletics. Or you can find numbers a bit difficult, but be very good with animals or be a fantastic singer. Or you can find it hard to understand yourself but be really good at connecting with other people !!!

The idea of ´multiple intelligences´is very interesting. It's also really useful. People with a strong musical intelligence for example, can use, songs to help them learn. You can also develop your weaker intelligences to give yourself more choices and to make your life more interesting.

Activity 4:  

  1. Do the quiz below.
  2. Work out your profile. Give yourself 2 points for every yes and 1 point  for every so-so, and 0 for every no.
  3. Which are your strongest / weakest intelligences?
  4. Write your profile, based on your results from the quiz.
  5. Do the quiz at home with a family member and write a short profile of that person too.

My strongest intelligences are .............because I love....... I love ........... I am keen on........

My weakest intelligences are ........... because I am not keen on........  I hate ....................

My brother  Georg.

His strongest intelligences are ............ because he likes....... he enjoys........ he is good at.......

His weakest intelligences are .......... He doesn't like ........ He never ............

One way we are the same / different is that we are ............... we love....... We are not good at....................

Multiple Intelligences Quiz.

A Checklist for Identifying Your Child's Multiple Intelligences ...

1.- Linguistic intelligence = clever with language

  • Do you like playing with words ( eg. playing Scrabble?)
  • Are you fond of reading?
  • Do you communicate well in your own language?
  • Do you like talking to other people.... and to yourself?

2.- Personal Intelligence= clever with yourself

  • Do you enjoy being on your own?
  • Do you write down your thoughts in a diary?
  • Are you very independent?
  • Do you enjoy learning thing about yourself?

3.- Musical intelligence = clever with music

  • Can you play a musical instrument?
  • Are you a good singer?
  • Do you really enjoy listening to music?
  • Do you often sing )or whistle or hum)?

4.- Visual intelligence = clever with pictures

  • Do you like drawing, painting and architecture?
  • Do you enjoy taking photos, making videos, etc.?
  • Are you good at reading maps?
  • Was art one of your favourite school subjects?

5.- Social Intelligence = clever with people

  • Do you enjoy being in a group or team?
  • Do you like team games and sports?
  • Do you get on well with lots of different people?
  • Do you like parties and meeting up with people?

6.- Physical intelligence = clever with your body

  • Do you enjoy  physical activities like sport, dancing, etc?
  • Do you walk around to help yourself think?
  • Do you like making things with your hands?
  • Do you hate sitting still for a long time?

7.- Mathematical intelligence = clever with logic

  • Are you good at numbers and calculations?
  • Do you play number games like Sudoku? 
  • Do you like analysing things and solving problems?
  • Was maths one of your favourite school subjects?

8.- Naturalist intelligence = clever with nature

  • Can you name lots of different plants and animals?
  • Do you care a lot about conservation and environment?
  • Are you interested in astronomy and how life began?
  • Was biology one of your favourite school subjects?

Here you have more information that would be useful for your writing activity.

Important: You have up to Monday  27th. to send these activities to my email. Enviarlas con el siguiente asunto.

Asunto:  WELCOME BACK ACTIVITIES / (Your complete name).

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