domingo, 26 de abril de 2020


Netiquette in Distance Learning | Diplomatic Language Services

To help keep our meetings and virtual clases productive, try to follow these seven simple virtual meeting etiquette rules and tips.

1.- Leave the key board alone.

The sound of your typing distracts everybody as your laptop's internal microphone is inches away from your key board, it is better to pick up your notebook and pen to take session notes instead.

2.-  Dress appropriately.

Take a few minutes to throw on a clean shirt and brush your hair. The best part of actually getting ready while working remotely is that you'll put yourself in the right headspace to be productive. 

Do not show your teacher or classmates your PJs and bedhead.

3.- Be aware of your surroundings.

Your teacher or classmates will not be able to hear your ideas or take you seriously when there is a pile of dirty clothes in the corner behind you. You also want to avoid looking like you work from the inside of a cave because of bad lighting.

Adjust your work setup so that you face a window or are exposed to plenty of light. And make sure your background is professional and work appropriate!. This means:

  • No beds (unmade or made) in the background.
  • No messy rooms or open closets where everyone can see your clutter.
  • No NSWW ( not safe for work) artwork.
  • While pets are adorable, your classmates and teachers will not love having to talk over a barking dog.  So be mindful of noise......

4.- Mute your microphone when you're not talking.

There is nothing more frustrating than hearing that alien echo noise from conflicting microphones. Unless you live alone, your house is probably pretty noisy these days. Muting your microphone when you are not speaking gives other participants the ability to share their thoughts and ideas without distraction or frustration.

5.- Speak up.

When you enter a class announce yourself when you join. Do not be afraid to project your voice. Everybody will appreciate being able to hear you without having to strain their ears or turn their volume all the way up.

6.- Not food allowed.

Try to eat a snack before your virtual meeting. No one wants to see you stuff your face with chips while discussing something important. Not only is distracting to others, you won't be able to focus on the task at hand because you'll be worrying about dropping crumbs all over your key board.

7.- Stay seated and stay present.

It maybe tempting to check your inbox or carry on a side conversation during a dull moment in the meeting, but do not do it!!! You might miss out on key information or an opportunity to give input. If you are using your webcam, use attentive body language: sit up straight, don't make  extraneous movements, and do not let your eyes wander too much.

8.-  Do not interfere in the document the person conducting the session is working on unless he/she had requested you to do that.

7 Tips for a Great Virtual Quarterly Planning Session

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