lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Are we going to be better human beings after this unusual situation?

The way you respond to difficult moments is what really defines you as a person, and it also makes you value everything else that happens to you more deeply. When you're able to navigate difficult situations, not only do you experience internal growth, you also learn to value happiness through a new perspective, which will help you gain strength and wisdom.

"Life is not what it's supposed to be. It is what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference"

-Virginia Satir-

Instructions Activity 1: 

1. Watch the video and  on your notebook answer the following questions:
  • And you,  are you going to be the same when we go back to school? Yes/No Why? 
  • Make a list of the things that you can do to grow as a person while you are at home. (15 things, not less). Complete sentences.
  • Is it easy to have a routine at home in this moment? Yes/ No Why?
  • Write about your routine.
  • What do you miss the most now that you have been at home for so long?
2. Remember to answer each question with complete, short and very well structured sentences.  DO NOT USE GOOGLE TRANSLATOR.

3.-  Check your sentences - grammar, punctuation, capitalization -, correct spelling problems ( use your dictionary),  and re-write it on a word document that you will have to send to google classroom. Deadline will be on Saturday the 30th. at 11.59 pm.


  • This will be part of your grade for writing and grammar.
  • You will have to send it via google classroom.

Remember that in life, everything has a meaning,  find it!!!!!!

Reading activity

Instructions Activity 2:

1.- Read the poem.
2.- Use your dictionary in case you don't know the meaning of the words.
3.- Use the dictionary to listen the pronunciation of words that are difficult for you.
4.- Read the poem several times to practice it - be careful with intonation and pronunciation.
5.- You have to film yourself reading the poem in a loud  voice. Be creative - you can use background music, be expressive with your hands and your face.

This Is A Daily Reminder
© Nicolette

Published: March 2015

This is a daily reminder
To relax,
To not get angry over small things,
To stay calm.

This is a daily reminder
To be yourself,
To not care what people think,
To know you can be anything.

This is a daily reminder
To love yourself,
To not hurt yourself,
To not work yourself up.

This is a daily reminder
That you are beautiful,
That you are amazing,
That you will succeed.

This is a daily reminder
To always have hope,
To have faith,
To know everything will be okay.

This is a daily reminder
That you have made it so far already,
That you haven't given up,
That whatever you're doing is right,
And that you are going to be amazing.

Don't give up.
Keep holding on and believing.



  • This will be part of your grade for  reading and speaking.
  • You will have to send it via google classroom.
  • Deadline is Saturday May 30th. at 11.59 PM.

47 Motivational Quotes to Start Your Day

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