martes, 24 de marzo de 2020

Present perfect tense. Let's practice a little bit.......

Explanation. Click here

If you do not remember the present perfect grammar structure go back and look for the information I posted some weeks ago..............

Resultado de imagen de present perfect titles

(Monday 23rd. to Monday 30th. March, 2020)

Activity one

Important: Remember that you have to write name, date and group on each sheet of paper that you use.

Instructions: - Watch this video and write 10 sentences in which present perfect is used and underline it.

Example: I have never seen it before. (Negative)

2.- Then on  a sheet of paper write the sentence in affirmative or negative (it depends on de original sentence)

Example:  I have seen it before. (Affirmative)

3.- And finally write the infinitive the simple past, the past participle of the main verb  then the meaning in Spanish.

Example: see-saw-seen- ver

Enjoy it!!!! Try to say the sentences and copy the pronunciation, remember that practice makes you perfect. 

Have you ever........?

Watch the video to practice questions with this structure......

Activity two


In a sheet of paper (name, date and group on the top right corner)
Complete the questions  with the suitable form of a verb and answer.


1.- Have you ever been to Machu Picchu? No, I haven't.
2.- Have you ever played the guitar? Yes, I have.

Take care, enjoy life, do not go out, enjoy your family and be responsible !!!!!

Resultado de imagen de be happy

Continue working on English Discoveries

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