sábado, 21 de marzo de 2020

Back Again.......

Hi, my dear students!!! 

I am sorry that we all are experiencing this difficult and stressing situation but at the same time I am optimistic and I am sure that we are going to go out of it, this time with new and more valuable knowledge that will make us.. better people!!

                                                      Resultado de imagen de Coming together is a beginning, Staying together is progress, and working together is success.

I am sure that you will keep safe as well as your families, do not take anything for granted and follow and take instructions seriously in order to make this situation come to an end as fast as possible, I know that if we join forces we can do it !!!!!!

I miss you all my dear students but we will be in touch via our blog, email and WhatsApp if necessary. 

                                                      Resultado de imagen de team work

Nota: Revisen su correo así como este blog de manera frecuente para que no se atrasen en sus actividades, trabajen en la Plataforma English Discoveries ya está funcionando de la manera correcta, para grabar sus audios hay que tener paciencia pero si funciona, lo importante es que queden sus calificaciones registradas y no olviden dar clic en "enviar" "submit" o "send" según sea el caso, no se detengan tenemos que llegar a la meta que es Basic 3.

See you soon !!!
Ms Rocío Monroy R.

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